It is Election Time, don't forget to go to the polls and vote for Pro Education Candidates! As public educators, we are under attack. We need to get supporters in positions to help us! Vote Early to assure you get it done.....
Board Meeting Attendance
The strength of our union depends on you!
Get involved, know what is being considered and any changes that are coming your way. Attend the monthly Lakota Board Meeting and represent your building. If you attend in person, complete the following Attendance form found on the link below. The attendance will be open for each Board Meeting from Monday evening through Wednesday of that week. Regular Meetings begin at 6:30 pm at Plains Jr.
Winner of October 10th Board Meeting:
Jen Hall - Independence
Next Meeting: November 7, 2022
Contractual Information and Reminders
Continuing Contract - Appendix K
If you believe you are eligible for continuing contract, work through the eligibility worksheet found on page 58 of our contract. The application is page 59 and must be submitted for your administrator's approval by the last Friday in October (October 28).
You must be fully evaluated this year to qualify so if you are not on the evaluation list, ask to be added.
Retirement - Article XVII
There is a one-time payment for anyone that notifies the Executive Director of Human Resources of retirement if done so by the first Board meeting in February.
Last year for super severance in our contract. If you are debating on whether or not to retire please read carefully Article 16.03.
This applies to anyone who is first eligible to retire (with either reduced or unreduced benefits). If you have questions, contact Sharon Mays by Lakota email.